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How To Write A Killer Pitch Deck – 7 Key Rules of a Killer Pitch Deck

How To Write A Killer Pitch Deck – 7 Key Rules of a Killer Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is a presentation that allows you to present your business idea to potential investors. This could be a one-time opportunity, especially if you get the chance to pitch to investors you’d be proud to work with. You would not want to mess up such an opportunity due to a poor investor pitch deck. But how do you write a killer pitch deck? If you are looking to pitch investors in a way that presents your idea well and, most importantly, helps you get funding, at least a few secrets for creating a killer pitch deck should be known.

Stick with the following seven key rules while creating a killer pitch deck and getting funding for your business—read the article below.

Even if you are presenting a business that you have worked on for years, know it from A to Z, can speak with passion about your product, this isn’t enough. When you are pitching to investors, your eyes should be on the clock.

Investors may be interested in a new project, but they do not want any long speeches. Thus, their sentences must be succinct and no more than 10 seconds on one slide. Actually, research has proved that investors are not going to spend more than 4 minutes on your pitch deck.

Practice your speech. Present your investor deck to your family and friends and see if they get your speech. This is again a no-brainer, but even if you know your audience is qualified to understand technical terms and complicated sentences, stay away from those.

If you ever wondered how to write a killer pitch deck, you’d better start by asking yourself how to design a killer pitch deck. Before you even open your mouth to pitch your business to investors, everyone in the room will start with visual evaluation and overall design of your investor deck. This can be your competitive advantage as well. A great pitch deck can get a million in seed funding as well.

There are a couple of things to remember for an effective pitch deck. Firstly, don’t overfill your slides with too many design elements. Secondly, there shouldn’t be long texts on the slides; it should be straight to the point as no one is going to read them anyway. Moreover, they look awful on a designed pitch deck. Lastly, a killing pitch deck designed with style and taste proves to investors that you have put effort into all aspects of your presentation.

You can go on for hours talking about your business idea and business model. However, it will make no difference if you don’t elucidate the problem and the solution you are proposing. The investor needs to understand how big of a problem you are solving of the target market. This attaches value to your business idea and, as a consequence, attracts funding.

This is also a very important part of the pitch deck: how you are going to solve the problem. If you’re innovative enough to come up with a never-heard-of solution, you must be good enough to present it in such a way that it will grab the investors’ attention.

You can’t think of someone pitching to investors and fail to explain the product or the service being presented. The truth is, this happens with most of those making pitch decks.

After identifying the problem and the solution, clearly define your product. This is the fatal part of your investor deck, because it’s going to decide whether you will raise funding or not.

You can explain your product in just one line, but not all products or services can be defined this way. The complicated and technical ones are those to be explained by an explainer video. We all know that video content is more appealing compared to lengthy texts. The investors will get a clear idea of what you are talking about if you include a demo video in your pitch deck presentation.

If you haven’t provided a slide in your investor deck about the market opportunity, then this question of how to create a pitch deck is more than relevant to you. Yes, the fact that an investor might be in love with your product or service doesn’t give enough reason for him to fund it. Investors need proof of some kind that there is market opportunity for the product.

Build a slide in your deck for some key stats, including the market size and expected growth of the market, along with traction. You should tell them about how many paying users you have, what’s your market share, what’s your revenue, how fast it grows per month, etc.

You know how marketing can be a deal-breaker in business. Thus, presentation of your marketing strategy during your presentation is one step for creating a startup pitch deck. You have to tell the investors how you’re going to market your product or service. You may need to adjust your marketing plan. How to write a killer pitch deck if you don’t have a marketing strategy? Come up with one! This is a slide in your investor deck which you should never miss if you want your pitch deck to be a success.

You shouldn’t write a lot on the slide. You explain your marketing strategy in bullets. Give an explanation of the points in your verbal speech and tell them what is the budget needed to bring your strategy alive.

If the investors are going to fund you, they would like to know how you will be making money. You, therefore, need to clearly explain the business model in the investor deck. You need to have a very clear image of how everything will be working, even though you’re just new in the market and not making any money yet. After all, making money is one of the major reasons you build a business.

There’s a freemium business model, subscription model, leasing model, franchise model, etc. Which one will work for you largely depends on your product. More important is to know how to pitch to the investors in the right way. You can choose to describe it in words or by means of a chart. Having a visual business model representation will certainly help to make the expression more successful.

Focus on profitability as you explain your business model in front of the investors. It’s the slide in your pitch deck they’re all looking forward to.

Here is how to write a killer pitch deck: Now, if your presentation has all the above-mentioned components, you are quite likely to succeed with a little more effort and determination.

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